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Pre-Bid Projects

Pre-Bid Projects

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Government, Projects

Brandon, federal government put $6.2 million into housing

Brandon, federal government put $6.2 million into housing

BRANDON, MAN. – The Government of Canada and the City of Brandon have announced they have fast tracked $6.2 million through the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) to build 168 homes over the next three years.

Brandon’s Action Plan commits to seven local initiatives including zoning changes to allow four units as-of-right in low density areas, creating a new role to foster relationships with non-profit and for-profit developers and providing financial incentives for affordable housing developments, a release said.

The agreement will help spur the construction of more than 761 homes over the next decade, the release said.

HAF, launched in March 2023, is a $4 billion initiative from the Government of Canada that will run until 2026-27. 


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